
Instagram Can't Follow, Here's the solution

Instagram Can't Follow, - Instagram is a social media sharing photo and video that is very loved by young people today, this is evident with almost all of them have a personal Instagram account. Inside Instagram, there are two terms, namely follower and following. Followers are the number of people who follow the account while following shows the number of people we follow. 

Instagram Can't Follow, Here's the solution

A high follower is used as a benchmark for the well-known person. so it's no wonder Instagram users are competing to get a lot of followers. The most common way to get Instagram followers is to follow (follow) other people in the hope that other people will also follow our Instagram account.

There are several problems that are often faced by Instagram users, one of which is that Instagram accounts cannot follow other accounts. This is due to following (following) too many people in a short time so that Instagram detects irregularities in using an Instagram account and temporarily blocks (unable to follow)


1. Hold your desire to follow others
You don't need to worry because this is temporary. The time needed for your account to return to normal is very varied. This is based on my personal experience which is also an Instagram user. This time variation is influenced by the age of an Instagram account. When I create a new Instagram account, I am too in a hurry to want to get a lot of followers by following other people, hoping they want to follow back. My account was temporarily blocked from Instagram, but the next day, my account has returned as usual and can follow other people. I experienced similar events again because of the ambition to get a lot of followers. but after a few hours, my account returned to normal and the blocked time interval was shorter than before.

2. Adjust to the age of your Instagram account
Instagram has its own policies, especially on following matters. This policy means limits in following up on other accounts. Newly created (fresh) accounts are classified as vulnerable blocked by Instagram in the event of unreasonable activities, such as following hundreds of accounts in a day. Therefore, it is better to follow it gradually, according to the age of the account itself. The longer the age of an Instagram account, the fewer the limits, in the sense that you can do more following.

3. Complete with email and mobile number (additional)
Instagram has a protection mechanism for its account in the event of any unusual activity. According to Instagram, maybe the account has been hacked by someone else. For this reason, Instagram usually locks the account and automatically sends verification to immediately change the password. The method used is to send a verification link to the mobile number that has been registered or send a link to your email.

Based on my experience, if you follow too many other people, your account is automatically locked and Instagram requires you to verify via cellphone or email number and then replace the old password with a new password. Therefore, complete your Instagram account by email and include your mobile number.

4. Reasonable activity on Instagram
Everyone wants their Instagram account to have a lot of followers. The simplest way is to follow and like photos of as many people as possible and ask the person to follow up and like back. But follow, spamlike activities and excessive posting of photos and videos can be considered as unnatural activities and prone to being blocked by Team Instagram. Add followers with following and spamlike is very effective but my advice, limit this activity. Let your followers increase slowly.

That's 4 tips to overcome Instagram, you can't follow other people you can use. By following the tips above, your Instagram account will be safe and will not be blocked again by Tim Instagram.
Labels: Social Media

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