
How to get the Butcher Mask Free Fire on the Rampage Free Fire Event

Butcher Mask Free Fire - Free fire game is one of the successful battle royale games in Indonesia. this is proven by the many millennial people of the country who have installed and played this game. Garena as the publisher of the game Free Fire is indeed very well known for frequent updates and to indulge the survivors of the homeland, Garena also often holds various interesting and prized events.

As at this time after Ramadhan passed, Garena again held its newest event for the free fire game which took place on June 10, 2019, the event titled ‘16 / 6 Rampage ’with a series of sub-events that could be followed, namely:
  • Bonus for top up diamonds
  • Rampage pre register
  • Rampage token exchange

For those of you who like free survivors, of course the most excited when participating in the third event is rampage token exchange. At the Rampage token exchange event, survivors will be able to collect 2 tokens so they can exchange various gift items. But there is the most exclusive gift item that is a purple wings item that is still a mystery.
How to get the Butcher Mask Free Fire on the Rampage Free Fire Event

Ways to Get Mad Skeleton Free Fire

The first token that you can collect is the token skeleton token. The mad skeleton tokens can later be exchanged for the following gift items:
  • Hunter skull can be exchanged for 6 token mad skeletons.
  • Surfboard 'disease can be exchanged for 20 mad skeleton tokens.

For how to get mad skeleton free fire, you can take it in the death loot box, each friend succeeds in killing the enemy.

How to get a Butcher Mask Free Fire
Besides being able to get the mad skeleton token, there is 1 more token that you can exchange with the gift item in the rampage token exchange event. The token is called the butcher mask free fire.

Butcher mask free fire tokens can be exchanged for the following items:
  • MP5 - Blood Red Weapon Crate: You can trade with 6 Butcher's masks.
  • M60 - Gold Coated Weapon Crate: You can exchange swaps with 6 butcher’s Mask.
  • SPAS12 - Plague Doctor Weapon Crate: You can exchange swaps with 6 butcher's masks.
  • Purple Wings: You can trade with 30 mad skeletons and 15 butcher's masks.

So if you target the purple wings prize, automatically later you will need a butcher's mask to complete the required token combination.

After the admin searches for information on how to get the butcher mask free fire, this has been explained in detail by Garena through the official website of Garena, namely: "On 16/6 or 16 June 2019 there will be a GIANT GLOWING BOX that will appear randomly in the game. Please you shoot the box and later you will get a killer mask (butcher mask) "

So much information that admin can share about how to get a butcher mask free fire. Hopefully this information can be useful for friends of survivors who read it.
Labels: Game

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