Instashell is a Shell Script for carrying out multi-threaded brute force attacks against Instagram, this script can bypass login restrictions and can test an unlimited number of passwords at a rate of +400 passwords / minute using 20 threads
- Multi-thread (400 passes / min, 20 threads)
- Save / Resume sessions
- Anonymous attack through TOR
- Check valid usernames
- Default password list (best + 39k 8 letters)
- Check and Install all dependencies
Instashell Installation Tool
To get the tool you can clone the following github repository & paste it in your terminal
- git clone
If it works, like the picture above and now we install the requirements that contain Tor, Openssl, curl as follows
- chmod + x
- sudo ./
If it works like the picture above and Display All Requires are installed! which means all the requirements have been successfully installed
Running Instashell Tool
If all of the above requirements have been met, now we run the tool, before running it we only need to move the permissions and service tools as follows
- chmod + x
- service tor start
Now we run the tool with the following command
- sudo ./
If successful the display will appear for the execution as follows, Enter the target username, select the default password list passwords.lst
Here we just wait until we find a suitable password, CONGRATULATIONS!
Social Media
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