
How To change Twitter account password easily and Fast

How To Reset  Password Twitter Account - As you already know, it's always necessary to change your Twitter profile password when you have security reasons that justify it, or there is no other option when you forget your password and have unbearable access problems..

How To change Twitter account password easily and Fast

For this reason, we would like to share in a guide how to change my Twitter account password that will enable all who are interested, nothing less than resetting their Twitter account password with the fastest and most direct option available and so on. , do not lose the account you have on the bird network, follow these simple steps. Also Read: How To Share Tweets from Twitter To Instagram Stories

How To Reset Twitter Account Password

STEP #1: Log into Twitter
First of all, they need to access the cover or homepage of the web version of Twitter and for this, they will simply search for “Twitter” on Google, load the results and then, they will click on the correct result offered by the search engine.

STEP #2: Initiate change
Once the above is done, they will reach the Twitter cover itself and here, they will start the process to change Twitter password and to do this, those on PC will click on the blue colored question that says: " Did you forget your password? ?" that appears below the box where the password is entered.
On the other hand, those who use mobile phones will have to press a button that says: "Log in" in the middle and when doing this, a section for logging into Twitter will appear and here, they will click on a question that says: "Did you forget your password? ?" which appears below the button that says: "Login".

STEP #3: Find your account
A new Twitter page will load where they are instructed to find their account and for this purpose, they have the option of entering the email or phone number associated with their Twitter account or, if they wish, the possibility of entering their Twitter username in the box indicated and after doing this, they will press or click on the blue button that says: "Search".

STEP #4: Choose an option
If all goes well, your account (user and profile photo) will appear on the new Twitter page and under it, the calculating option or options to reset your password will appear, they will mark yours (email or phone number) with one click on the circle that precedes their selection and after doing that, they will press or click on the button that says: "Next". 

STEP #5: Copy the code
Then, they will be notified that they have sent a message with a code to their email or to a phone number
Now, and without closing the previous Twitter page, those who select the email option will open a new tab in their browser and open their Twitter related emails in this tab, and those who select the phone option will open messages from this and then, they will open Twitter message and copy the code that appears. 

STEP #6: Verify code
Once the code is copied, they will go to the Twitter page they previously left open and here, they will enter the code correctly in the box shown and after doing that, they will press or click on the blue button that says: “Checking”. 

STEP #7: Change password
When you do the previous step, a new Twitter page will load and on this page, you will be able to change your Twitter account password

Enter your new password: in the box provided, enter the new password for their Twitter account and this password should be difficult for third parties to find and for this, they can use numbers, letters and punctuation marks, but other than that, it it should be easy to remember for you not to recover your Twitter account by forgetting your password (you can write it down).

Enter your password again: in this other box, they will enter the same password they entered in the box above. Once this is done they will have the option to leave the option marked: "Remember my data" (if your phone or PC is private) or else they will uncheck the box that precedes this option for security reasons (the device they are using is not yours) and once this is done, they will press or click the blue button that says: "Reset password."

STEP #8: Reason for change
Perfect, they have done very well. A new Twitter page will load and on this page they are asked: Why did you change your password? and you here, will respond by ticking or crossing the circle that precedes any of the following options: "Forgot password", "Maybe someone else has accessed the account" or "Other reasons".

STEP #9: Suggestions
On the new Twitter page, they suggest that they review the apps that have access to their account and reject the apps they don't recognize or don't use and they also recommend that they add a phone number (if they haven't already) and now, just press or click text that says: "Continue to Twitter."

Voila, finally. You have been able to reset Twitter password and now, go to the start of your Twitter account and you will be able to use it, just like you did before, but remember that to log in now you have to do it with the new password you have created on Twitter. Also Read: How to Upload Videos on twitter

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